My name is Tobias Gunnarsson, 35 years old. I have worked for over ten years in communication with graphic design, websites and social media. Over the years, there have been several interesting projects, both for which I have been responsible but also as a participant. For me, the combination of structure, creativity and design is what drives me forward.
A creative task during my education. Find and choose a optional company, make a creative idé and present it as a poster. I choosed a Chicago based record label called Invisible Records. This was the result and my way to visulize the brand and industry in a creative way.
Under my education we got an interesting task, to develop our knowledge in the program "3ds Max" in combination with train our creativity both in graphic and functionality. We got a blank coffee machine and a company, with the task to design it both graphical and functional to fit in a car salon.
Under my time at Ronneby municipality, I was responsible for a new Intranet project. We started with a pilot study, after that we built the new intranet in SharePoint together with an external partner. Under the process we had a project group with respresentants from every departments at the municipality that i led, had educations for, etc. We had a succeful project, launched it on time and was pleased with the result.
Product and inspiration folder for design furnitures.
Product catalog for around 200 pages, in four languages. From PIM-system to InDesign and forward to printing.
Idea and layout for internal information screens to improve the communication and accessibility to information.